Please ensure to follow the below listed pre-operative instructions:

  1. NO smoking for 3 WEEKS prior to and 3 WEEKS after surgery
  2. NO Aspirin, Ibuprofen, “Aleve”, (NSAIDS) etc. for 14 days prior to surgery, (Tylenol is okay)
  3. NO alcohol for 24 hours prior to surgery
  4. You must have either someone to drive you or have local hotel and taxi accommodations. *Our office can help you with this.
  5. You will need to have adequate help around the house for at least 3-7 days after surgery and minimize your activities.
  6. Prior to surgery your genital area will need to be freshly groomed. (See #2 below) Waxing is OK but must be done at least 7-10 days before surgery.
  7. For Perineoplasty/Vaginoplasty ONLYstart taking your anti-biotics two days prior to surgery, 4 times/day until finished.
  1. **SUPER HYDRATE** yourself the night before and morning of surgery (drink A LOT of water, Gatorade/Powerade or Pedialyte). Eat a light but complete, non-greasy meal at most an hour before your surgery. (i.e.: cereal and toast/muffin, fruit, yogurt, half sandwich and soup, etc…) *If you arrive at the office and have not eaten a complete meal or have eaten more than an hour prior to surgery you will be given and required to eat a power/granola bar.
  2. Wash the entire genital area well and trim your hair short the morning of surgery. *Please use scissors or an electric razor/buzzer, DO NOT shave – this can cause “razor burn” or small “nicks”/cuts which are potential areas of infection which prevent us from operating in that area.
  3. Wear loose fitting/comfortable dark clothing the day of surgery, no loose jewelry and if possible no nail polish (on at least one finger) please.
  4. Take one Lorazepam (or substitution) 30 minutes prior to surgery. *If your pre-op appointment is the same day as your surgery the Lorazepam will be given to you at the office. Please bring your pain medication with you to take before and after your procedure. *This will need to be taken with food. It is a good idea for you to bring a snack with you or for your driver to pick something up for you during surgery.
  • Sanitary napkins/maxi pads or panty liners – enough for approximately 5 days
  • Ibuprofen (Motrin) 200mg – to take along with (or if pain is minimal, in place of) your Vicodin/Norco (or substitution) prescription

And for AFTER (Do Not Start Before) Vaginoplasty/Perineoplasty ONLY:

  • Dried prunes and/or prune juice
  • A stool softener such as Dulcolax or Colace